Welcome to Diablo 2 Build, the website where you can find all the tips and advices you need to apply in Diablo 2

Descover all you need about Diablo 2

You can see some builds of the characters in the Classes section.

In the Items section, you will have access to all the items you will find in the game (except magic and rare items which are random in terms of characteristics). This section is useful for composing your own build or for farming certain items.

In the Cube section, you can find the recipes to improve objects or build some magic items. Go see this section for more information about all the Cube recipes.

The Codex gives you explanations of the item levels and various informations on the quest path as well as tips on farming areas. Feel free to have a look around.

This site is above all a sharing site for Diablo 2, so don’t hesitate to submit your tips, builds, … We will be happy to put them online. The only constraint is to respect the organization and layout that we have put in place (refer to one of the builds as an example).

Enjoy your visit!

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