
Cette section est en cours de construction et contiendra les explications sur les niveaux d’objets et diverses infos sur le cheminement des quêtes ainsi que des astuces sur les zones de farming.

Advice for beginners

If you’re new to Diablo 2, or getting back into it after a long period of abstinence, follow this guide which will explain the basics of the game and important information to know.

The areas

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Calculate the ilvl (item level).

Read the following carefully to understand how the ilvl system works in Diablo 2.
What is ilvl? It is the item level corresponding to the zone level. Unique monsters add +3 levels and champions add +2 levels to ilvl.

There are 3 ilvl bands:

-ilvl 1-25

-ilvl 26-40

-ilvl 41+

How to know the level of your item:

Zone level + 2 ( champion monster ) or + 3 ( unique monster ) = ilvl

Example: You find a normal act 2 Flail in the Far Oasis without Socket. Normal far oasis lvl 16 = ilvl 16

Your flail will be ilvl 16 so in the ilvl 1-25 range. If it falls from a single monster you add +3 to the zone level and +2 if it is a champion.