Walkthrough Act V

Quest I : siege on Harrogath

Trigger : Getting out of the city.

Goal : Kill Shenk the overseer.

Quest reward : Larzuk, the smith of the Harrogath, will reward you by giving you the possibility to put shawls in a crimpable item.
It is highly recommended to save this reward for later as it allows you to put the maximum number of caskets possible in a standard item (White) depending on the ilvl of the weapon.
You can wait until much later and even go back to normal mode to create caskets in an item found in hell.
However, this quest is only available once per difficulty mode.

Watch out The begginers guide.

Shenk le surveillant

Quest II : Rescue on Mont Arreat

Trigger : Enter the “Frigid Highlands”, the second area of Act 5.

Goal : Free 15 barbarians in 3 prisons scattered around the map.

Quest reward : Talk to Qual-Kehk in town near the castle gate. He will give you three runes: Ral, Ort and Tal.
You will be able to create the runic word “Pact of the Ancients” in a standard shield (White).
Very useful because it will increase your elemental resistances by almost 50%, and a bit more if you are a paladin with a paladin shield which adds its resistance characteristics to the final result.

Les barbares dans les Hautes glaces

Quest III : Prison of ice

Trigger : Talk to Malah the potion seller or go directly to the “Ice Caverns”.

Goal : Find Anya who is in the “Frozen River”.
To do this you have to cross the “High Ice” and then the “Mount Arreat”. At the end is a cave, the “Crystalline Passage”. In this cave you will find the “Frozen River”.
After helping Anya, she will ask you to talk to Malah (the potion maker). She will give you a potion that will thaw Anya.
You have to go back to town to talk to Malah.

Quest reward : After talking to Malah she will give you a scroll of resistance, using it (right click) will increase all your resistances by +10.

Anya dans la Rivière glacée

Quest IV : Betrayal of Harrogath

Trigger : Talk to Anya when you have returned the third quest.

Goal : To kill Nihlathak who is in the “Halls of vaught”, you just have to go through the open portal in town.
Don’t forget to activate the “Halls of pain” teleporter as this area will no longer be accessible through the red portal once Nihlathak is killed.

Quest reward : By talking to Anya to turn in your quest, she will allow you to name one of your items with your character’s name.

La quête de Nihlathak

Quest V : rite of passage

Trigger : Talk to Qual-Kehk or continue on the map to the “Arreat Summit”.

Goal : Killing the elders on top of Mount Arreat.

Quest reward : A lot of XP points.

Les Anciens du Mont Arreat

Quest VI : eve of destruction

Trigger : When the three elders died.

Goal : Killing Baal.
Just before you fight Baal, he will send you 5 waves of more or less powerful henchmen. Be careful, some waves can really give you a hard time.

Quest reward : As Baal is an end of act boss, he has a percentage chance of dropping unique items when he dies.

Congratulations, you’ve finished Diablo 2 and can now move on to the next difficulty mode.
