unique Staves and wands




Required Level : 5

Two-handed damage: 1 to 7-8
Durability: 20
+50-60% damage
150% damage against undead
+20% increase in attack speed
+30 to Mana
+50 to fire resistance
+4-6 Fire damage
+5 to Firearm ( Sorceress only )
2 to Heat ( Sorceress only )

Serpent Lord

Required Level : 9

Two-handed damage: 2 to 10-11
Durability: 30
+30-40% damage
150% damage against undead
+12 poison over 3 seconds
100% Mana stolen per hit
-50% reduction to target’s defence
+10 to Mana
+50 to poison resistance
-1 to light radius

Spire of Lazarus

Required Level : 18

Two-handed damage: 4-12
Durability: 35
+1 to Sorceress skills
+1-28 lightning damage
+15 to energy
+43% to Mana regeneration
Damage reduced by 5
+75 to lightning resistance
150% damage reduction against undead
+3 to Static Field ( Sorceress only)
+2 to Lightning ( Sorceress only)
+1 to Serial Lightning ( Sorceress only)

The Salamander

Required Level : 21

Two-handed damage: 6-13
Durability: 40
150% damage against undead
+15-32 fire damage
+30 to fire resistance
+2 to Fire Skills
+3 to Heat ( Sorceress only)
+2 to Fireball ( Sorceress only)
+1 to Wall of Fire (sorceress only )

the Iron Jang Bong

Required Level : 28

Two-handed damage: 24-56
Durability: 50
+100% damage
150% damage against undead
+50% bonus to attack level
+20% bonus to spell speed
+2 to Sorceress skills
+3 to Heat Shock ( Sorceress only)
+2 to Blaze (sorceress only)
+2 to Nova ( Sorceress only)
+30 to Defence


Torch of Iro

Required Level : 5

Two-handed damage: 2-4
Durability: 15
150% damage against undead
+5-9 fire damage
+1 to Necro skills
+10 Energy
+5 to Mana regeneration
6% life steal per hit
+3 to light radius


Required Level : 14

One-handed damage: 2-8
Durability: 15
150% damage against undead
+1-9 lightning damage
+13 to Mana
+30% to spell speed
+40 to lightning resistance
+1-3 to Iron Lady (Necro only)
+1-3 to Increase Wounds (Necro only)
+1-3 to Terror (Necro only)
+1-3 to Morbid Explosion (Necro only)


Required Level : 20

One-handed damage: 3-7
Durability: 15
150% damage against undead
+2 to Necromancer skills
+4-8 cold damage (cold duration: 3 seconds)
5% Mana stolen per hit
+25-50 Mana
+10 to Dexterity
+10 to Strength

Ume’s Lament

required Level : 28

Damage: 5-11
Durability: 15
150% damage against undead
+2 to Necromancer skills
+20% to spell speed
+40 to Mana
Hit monster flees (50%)
+2 to Decay (Necro only)
+3 to Terror (Necro only)




Required Level : 28

Two-handed damage: 6-21
Required strength: 18
Durability: 20
150% damage against undead
+1 to all skills
+30% to spell speed
+50 to all resistances
+175 to Mana
+80 to life
Magic damage reduced by 15
Attacker takes 15% less damage


Required Level : 31

Two-handed damage: 54-62 to 143-169
Required strength: 25
Durability: 130
+200-300% damage
+30-65% damage
150% damage against undead
50% chance of stinging strike
+50% increase in attack speed
50% faster hit recovery
+100% increase in defence
+100% more defence
+15 more dexterity

Chromatic Ire

Required Level : 35

Two-handed damage: 11-32
Required strength: 25
Durability: 35
150% damage against undead
+20% to spell speed
+3 to Sorceress’ Skills
+20-25% to maximum life
+20-40% to all resistances
Attacker takes 20 % damage
+1 to Cold Mastery ( Sorceress only)
+ 1 to Lightning Mastery ( Sorceress only)
+1 Firebending ( Sorceress only)


required Level : 39

Two-handed damage: 14-34
Required strength: 25
Durability: 40
150% damage against undead
Ignores target’s defence
+250 defence against missiles
+3 to Sorceress skills
+3 to Energy Shield ( Sorceress only)
+3 to Telekinesis ( Sorceress only)
+3 to Teleport ( Sorceress only)

Skull Collector

required Level : 41

Two-handed damage: 24-58
Required strength: 25
Durability: 50
150% damage against undead
+20 Mana after each death
+20% more mana at maximum
+1-99% chance to obtain magic items (depending on character level)
+2 to all skills


Suicide Branch

Required Level : 33

One-handed damage: 8-18
Required strength: 25
Durability: 15
150% damage against undead
+1 to all skills
+50% to spell speed
+10% to maximum Mana
+10 to all resistances
+40 to life
Attacker takes 25% damage

Carin Shard

Required Level : 35

One-handed damage: 8-24
Required strength: 25
Durability: 15
150% damage against undead
+1.25 per level 1-123 mana (based on character level)
1-123 life (depending on character level) +(1.25 per level)
+1 to Necromancer skills
+2 to summoning skills (Necro only)
+10% increase in spell speed
30% faster recovery
+5 to life regeneration

Arm of King Leoric

Required : 36

One-handed damage: 10-22
Required strength: 25
Durability: 15
150% damage against undead
10% chance to cast a level 2 Bone Prison spell when hit
5% chance to cast a level 10 Bone Spirit spell when hit
+(1.25 per character level) 1-123 to Mana (depending on character level)
+10% to spell speed
+2 to Terror (Necro only)
+2 to Skeleton Mage (Necro only)
+3 to Skeleton Mastery (Necro only)
+3 to Resurrect Skeleton (Necro only)
+2 to Necro Summoning Skills
+2 to Necro’s Poison and Bone skills

Blackhand Key

required Level : 41

One-handed damage: 13-29
Durability: 15
Required Strength: 25
Fearful Guardian level 13 (30 charges)
+2 to Necromancer skills
30% very fast spell speed
+50 to life
+37 to fire resistance
20% damage to Mana
-2 to light radius
+1 to Necro curses
150% damage against undead



Ondal’s Wisdom

Required Level : 66

Two-handed damage: 83-93
Required strength: 44
Required Dexterity: 37
Durability: 35
+2-4 to all skills
+45% to spell casting speed
+450-550 defence
+40-50 energy
Magic damage reduced by 5-8
+5% more experience gained
+50% more damage against undead

Mang Song’s Lesson

Required Level : 82

Two-handed damage: 83-99
Required strength: 34
Durability: 26
+5 to all skills
+30% increase in spell casting speed
-7 to 15% to target’s lightning resistance
7-15% to target’s cold resistance
7-15% to the target’s fire resistance
+10% to Mana regeneration
+50% more damage against undead



Required level : 79

One-handed damage: 10-31
Required strength: 25
Durability: 17
+50% damage against undead
+2 to Necro skills
+1-2 to Bone Spirit
+2-3 to Bone Spear
+2-3 to Bone Wall
+4-5 to Bone Armour
+4-5 to Teeth
+25% to spell casting speed

Death’s Web

required Level : 66

Dégâts à une main : 22-28
Force requise : 25
Durabilité :18
+50% de dégâts contre les morts-vivants
-40-50% à la résistance au poison chez l’ennemi
+7-12 de Mana après chaque mort
+7-12 de vie après chaque mort
+2 à toutes les compétences
+1-2 aux compétences Poison et Os (Nécro seulement)