unique Shields


Pelta lunata

Required Level : 2

Defence: 39
Required strength: 12
Durability: 20-22
Chance to Block: 50% for the Paladin, 45% for the Amazon, Barbarian and Assassin, 40% for the Druid, Witch and Necro
Smite (Strike) damage: 1-3
+30-40% defence
+30 defence
+20% chance to block
+40% block speed
+10 Energy
+10 to vitality
+2 strength

Umbral Disk

Required Level : 9

Defence: 45-46
Strength required: 22
Durability: 26-31
Chance to block: 65% for the Paladin, 60% for the Amazon, Barbarian and Assassin, 55% for the Druid, Necro and Witch
Smite damage: 2-3
+40-50% defence
+30% chance of blocking
+30% chance to block
Hits blind the opponent
+20 life
+10 Dexterity
+10-15 to durability
-2 to circle of light


Required LEvel : 13

Defence: 52-54
Required strength: 34
Durability: 34-39
Chance to block: 72% for the Paladin, 67% for the Amazon, Barbarian and Assassin, 62% for the Druid, Necro and Witch
Smite damage: 2-4
+30 defence
+50-60% defence
+30% chance to block
+25 to lightning resistance
Attacker takes 3 lightning damage
+1-6 lightning damage
Magic damage reduced by 1


Required Level : 17

Defence: 50-58
Durability: 45-50
Chances of blocking: 63% for the Paladin, 58% for the Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian, 53% for the Druid, Necro and Witch
Smite damage (Strike): 2-5
+60-100% defence
+20 to defence
+25% blocking chance
+20% to block speed
+15 to all resistances
+1 to Paladin skills
+3 to circle of light
Damage reduced by 3

Swordback hold

Required Level : 15

Defence: 43-51
Required strength: 30
Durability: 40
Chance to block: 60% for the Paladin, 55% for the Assassin, Barbarian and Amazon, 50% for the Druid, Witch and Necro
Smite damage: 5-9
+30-60% defence
+10 defence
+20% chance to block
50% chance of open wounds
Attacker takes 10 damage

Donjon de bverrit

required Level : 19

Defence: 76-87
Required strength: 75
Durability: 140-160
Chance to block : Pal 64%, Barb/Ama/Assa: 59%, Nec/Sorc/Druid: 54
Smite damage: 1-5
+80-120% defence
+30 defence
+10% chance to block
+75 to fire resistance
+5 to Strength
Magic damage reduced by 5

Wall of the Eyeless

Required Level : 20

Defence: 50-53
Required strength: 25
Durability: 40
Chance to block: 50% for the Paladin, 45% for the Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian, 40% for the Druid, Necro and Sorceress
Smite damage: 3-6
+30-40% defence
+10 defence
+5 mana after each death (unless it is the Necro’s creatures that kill the target)
+20% to spell speed
3% of stolen mana per hit
+20 to poison resistance

The Ward

Required Level : 26

Defence: 112
Required strength: 60
Durability: 40
Chance to block: 56% for the Paladin, 51% for the Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian, 46% for the Druid, Necro and Sorceress
Smite damage: 2-6
+100% defence
+40% to defence
+10% to block chance
+30-50 to resistances
Magic damage reduced by 2
+10 more strength



Required Level : 28

Defence: 100-125
Required Strength: 37
Chance to block: 70% for the Paladin, 65% for the Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian, 60% for the Druid, Necro and Sorceress
Smite damage: 8-12
Durability: 68
+100-150% damage
+30% chance to block
+30% increase in block speed
+1 to Witch skills
Attacker takes 10% damage

Moser’s blessed circle

Required Level : 31

Defence: 156-179
Required strength: 53
Chance to block: 67% for the Paladin, 62% for the Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian, 57% for the Necro, Druid and Sorceress
Smite damage : 7-14
Durability: 64
+180-220% defence
+25% chance to block
Block Speed +30
+25 to all resistances
2 Sockets


Required Level : 35

Defence: 162-198
Durability: 62
Required Strength: 71
Smite damage: 11-15
Chance to block: 64% for the paladin, 59% for the barbarian, assassin and amazon, 54% for the druid, necro and Sorceress
+20% chance to block
+160-220% defence chance
4% chance to cast a level 5 tornado spell when hit
4% chance to cast a level 6 Blizzard spell when hit
+150 to attack level
+50 to lightning resistance
Halve immobilisation time
+1-60 lightning damage
+10% block speed

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Tiamat’s Rebuke

Required Level : 38

Defence: 163-204
Required Strength: 91
Chance to block: 48% for the Paladin, 43% for the Amazon, Assassin and Barbarian, 38% for the Necro, Sorceress and Druid
Durability: 116
Smite damage : 15-24
+140-200% defence
+27-53 cold damage (cold duration: 3 seconds)
+35-95 fire damage
+1-120 lightning damage
3% chance to cast a level 6 Hydra spell when hit
5% chance to cast a level 7 Nova spell when hit
5% chance to cast a level 9 Heat Shock spell when hit
+25-35 to all resistances

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Lance Guard

Required Level : 35

Defence: 142.2-181.7
Required strength: 65
Chance to block: 47% for Paladin, 42% for Assassin, Barbarian and Amazon, 37% for Druid, Necro and Sorceress
Durability: 55
Smite damage : 18-35
+70-120% defence
15% of damage goes to Mana
30% faster hit recovery
20% more lethal hit
+50 more life
Attacker takes 47% more damage

Gerke’s Sanctuary

Required Level : 44

Defence: 221-268
Required Strength: 133
Chance to block: 84% for the Paladin, 79% for the Assassin, Barbarian and Amazon, 74% for the Druid, Necro and Sorceress
Durability: 172
Smite damage: 10-17
+180-240% defence
+30% chance to block
+20-30 to all resistances
+15 to life regeneration
Damage reduced by 11-16
Magic damage reduced by 14-18

Lidless Wall

Required Level : 41

Defence: 271-347
Required strength: 58
Durability: 40
Chance to Block: 50% for Paladin, 45% for Assassin, Barbarian and Amazon, 40% for Druid, Necro and Sorceress
Smite damage: 14-20
+80-130% defence
+1 to all skills
+10% to max Mana
Spells 20% faster
+3-5 Mana after each death
+10 more energy
+1 to light radius

radament’s Sphere

required Level : 50

Defence: 244-282
Required Strength: 110
Chance to block: 66% for the Paladin, 61% for the Assassin, Barbarian and Amazon, 55% for the Druid, Necro and Sorceress.
Durability: 100
Smite damage: 12-16
+160-200% defence
+20% more chance to block
20% faster blocking
5% chance to cast a level 5 Poison Shock spell when hit
+75 poison resistance
+80 poison damage over 4 seconds


Blackoak Shield

required Level : 61

Defence: 322-372
Required strength: 100
Durability: 129
Chance to Block: 50% for Paladin, 45% for Amazon, Barbarian and Assassin, 40% for Druid, Necro and Sorceress.
Smite damage: 17-29
+160-200% defence
+(0.5 per character level) 0-49 Dexterity (depending on character level)
+(0.625 per character level) 0-61 cold absorption (depending on character level)
+(1.25 per character level) 1-123 life (depending on character level)
4% chance to cast a level 5 Weaken spell when hit
+50% increase in block speed
Halve immobilisation time


Required Level : 73

Defence: 136-504 to 151-519
Required strength: 156
Chance to block: 77% for the Paladin, 72% for the Barbarian, Assassin and Amazon, 67% for the Druid, Necro and Witch
Smite damage: 12-34
+(3.75 per character level) 3-371 defence (depending on character level)
+25% more chance to block
35% faster blocking
35% less damage
+60 more resistance to cold
+25 more resistance to lightning
+30 more strength
Attacker takes 10% more lightning damage

Spike thorn

required Level : 70

Defence: 325.6-410
Required Strength: 118
Chance to block: 50% for Paladin, 45% for Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian, 40% for Druid/Necro/Sorceress
Durability: 333
Smite damage: 26-40
+120-150% defence
+30% recovery after a hit
Damage reduced by 15-20
+(1.375 per character level) attacker takes 1-136 damage (depending on character level)
+250 durability
1 Sockets

Medusa’s Gaze

Required Level : 76

Defence: 405-453
Required Strength: 219
Chance to block: 54% for Paladin, 49% for Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian, 44% for Druid/Necro/Sorceress.
Durability: 292
Smite damage : 18-28
+150-180% defence
5-9% life stolen per hit
Slows the target by 20%.
+40-80% cold resistance
10% chance to cast a 7th level Lesser Resistance spell when hit
100% chance to cast a level 44 Nova spell when you die

Head Hunter’s Glory

required LEvel : 75

Defence: 478-593
Required Strength: 106
Chance to Block: 50% for Paladin, 45% for Amazon/Assassin/Barbarian, 40% for Druid/Necro/Sorceress.
Durability: 74
Smite Damage : 24-38
+320-420 defence
+300-350 defence against missiles
+20-30% fire resistance
+30-40% resistance to poison
+5-7 life after each death
Sockets (1-3 slots)

Spirit Ward

Required Level : 68

Défense : 393-478
Force requise : 185
Chance de bloquer : 74-84% pour le Paladin, 69-79% pour les Amazone/Assassin/Barbare, 64-74% pour les Druide/Nécro/Sorcière
Dégâts de Smite (Frapper) : 11-35
+130-180% de défense
+25% à la vitesse de bloc
+20-30% de chance de bloquer
+30-40 à toutes les résistances
+6-11 en absorption au froid
5% de chance de lancer un sort Transparence de niveau 8 quand touché